


Simple 1-2 related issues $60
Multiple or complex issues $80-100
Follow ups and refills $60
Hypertension management $60
Diabetes Management $60
Male Wellness and labs $150
ED and Low T refills and labs $150
Weight loss w/labs $150
Weight loss management and refills $100
Weight Loss Follow Up (Every 2 Months) $100
Semaglutide (Medication, Supplies, Monthly Visits & B12 Injection) $450
Simple/ Acute Sick Visits $60
Complex/ Multiple complaints $80-100
Anxiety/Depression $100
Acute Pain Management $125
ADHD Follow ups/Monitoring/Refills $150
Physical Exams $95 (w/Labs: $150)
Employment Physical Exams $40
D.O.T. Physical Exams $125
School & Sports Physical Exams $30
Sports or Camp Physical Exams (Limited to 13 years and older) $25
Disease Management $60
BOTOX $10 unit
Skin Issues $85
Procedures: Follow ups and refills (1 item) $60
Phone Consultations $60 (for 10 minutes)
Nurse Visit $20
Copy Medical records $20
Insurance or Medical Forms Filled $20-40
Glucose check $10
Influenza A&B $30
HGB A1C $20
Mono Screen $30
Strep screen $30
Urinalysis $40
UPT $20
Urine Dip $15
Covid Testing $30
Corona IGG and IGM $90
Corona Nasal Swab $120
Anemia Profile Pane (B12, iron and pernicious deficiency) $65
Diabetes Panel (BMP, HGB A1C) $30
Lipid Panel $20
BMP $20
CBC $20
CMP $30
Hepatic Function Panel $20
RPR $20
Thyroid Panel (TSH reflex, free t-3,4) $35
Testosterone $45
Vitamin D $65
STD Panel $150
Venipuncture lab fee in addition to all labs $10

*Sunset Primary Care is a Primary care facility and NOT a urgency care or emergency setting.

*Xrays, sutures and certain test are unavailable and may need to be referred out to another facility for tests and are subject to their fees.

*If you feel this is a urgent care or emergency need you will be referred to a Urgent care facility to emergency room.

*Sunset Primary Care reserves the right to refuse service and refer you out

*Sunset Primary Care Does NOT participate in pain management